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Would you accept a job at Bing if the opportunity arose?

Would you accept a job at Bing if the opportunity arose? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

We have a question from Chris in Somerset, England who’s trying to make some trouble. Chris asks, ‘Would you accept a job at Bing if the opportunity arose?’ And I think my short answer is ‘No’. I, I’m glad that Bing is there to give Google good competition. Competition is fantastic for users and keeps us on our toes. So I’m glad that Bing is pushing the state of the art and they’re trying to follow their philosophy of how to make the search results better. But I’m very happy at Google. So I don’t think I’d accept a job at Bing. What is interesting is I – whenever we joined Google, and I talked to my wife, I said, ‘Hey  – we’ll stay for four or five years.’ And in January, 2010, I hit the ten year mark at Google. So at some point, my wife will probably be like, ‘Didn’t you say four or five years? Like four or five years ago?’ But hopefully she doesn’t watch these videos. So, don’t tell her.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: