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Will the Webmaster Tools API be updated to add additional data?

Will the Webmaster Tools API be updated to add additional data? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

We have an interesting question today, which is, can you tell us if Webmaster Tools will ever have an update to its API allowing us to retrieve the Search Queries and Backlinks data? And the answer is yes, that’s the short answer. The longer answer is we’re working on it and we hope to release it relatively soon. In the meantime, for right now there are PHP, there’s Python libraries that you can use to download the data. And so in the description, the meta information for this video, will include a few links where you can go and download tool kits that will allow you to get access to the data right now. And we’re going to keep looking at how we can improve our API to be able to get you more and more information over time.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: