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Will Google get a webspam team outside of the US?

Will Google get a webspam team outside of the US? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

Today’s question comes from Abroke who asks, “Europe is small compared with the United States, so will Google get a webspam team for smaller markets?” Great question. It turns out we actually do have a webspam team based in Europe, based in Dublin, in fact. And they’re able to handle webspam and tackle spam reports in a wide variety of languages, so on the order of well over a dozen, dozens of languages because there’s a lot of smart people there. So we actually have people on the ground in a lot of different offices around the world, and we also have engineers in Zurich, we have an engineer in Hong Kong. And so there’s a lot of people who have native experience, people who think about spam in Russian, but also a lot of people in Dublin who do a fantastic job dealing with if an algorithm misses something, they are there to find the spam. They know the lay of the land, they know who the big players are, and they’re really quite expert. And so if there’s some really unique type of link spam going on in Poland, for example, there’s a person there, and so those people are on top of that sort of situation. So I think it’s important that Google not be just a US-centric or an English-centric company. We want to be international, we want to deal with all different languages, and it is the case that we might not have webspam full time on every single language, but you would be pretty shocked at the number of languages that the webspam team collectively is able to fight spam in. There’s a large group of people trying to make sure that people have a good search experience, and that users have a good experience overall.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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