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Will Google add guest accounts to Webmaster Tools?

Will Google add guest accounts to Webmaster Tools? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: Here’s a question from Ian M. in the United Kingdom, “Is Google planning to create read-only ‘guest accounts’ for Webmaster Tools? Many clients (particularly in heavily regulated industries such as banks) are very reluctant to provide access to a third party.” Great feature suggestion. I have no idea. Because, you know, the Webmaster Tools Team, they have to plan out their resources and what they work on just like any other team, and I can see a valid use for this, right? At the same time, there are other things that the Webmaster Tools folks are working on that are really, really useful. Some people want, you know, infrastructure updates so that back link reports are always rock solid or a new data is really, really fresh, and it’s hard to play that off. So, it’s a valid suggestion. I appreciate the suggestion. I don’t know what level of priority they’d give that because there’s probably relatively limited impact compared to making reports rock solid or, you know, overhauling our UI, things like that that are going to be useful for every single person, not just for a smaller fraction. But it’s something that I could imagine us doing in the future. So we will definitely take that into account and we appreciate the suggestion.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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