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What gadgets have you bought recently?

What gadgets have you bought recently? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

Tommo from London asks, “What is the latest gadget you bought and would recommend?” Uh, there is a really cool thing called the “Pogo Plug,” which turns any hard drive into a network attached hard drive that you can access via the Internet. So, for example, you could go back to your parent’s over Thanksgiving, and you could still access the files that you had at home. So, it is a really neat feature; it’s like $100, and you do not have to pay a monthly fee. I really enjoyed that. Um, I am always looking for new gadgets, so I am looking forward to the Chrome netbook computers later on. Um. One other fun gadget is… they now have USB drives, little thumb drives that are only five to seven millimeters long. So, it is basically just the USB connector, you can plug it in, and, and it is very easy to lose. But that is just kind of a fun thing, too.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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