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What do Googlers usually talk about?

What do Googlers usually talk about? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

: Got an interesting question from Magico in London who asks, “What do people in Google usually talk about? What are the main topics of discussion?” Well, I can’t speak for all of Google. I can barely even speak for the Search Quality Group, but you know, there is certainly the fun normal stuff where people are browsing the web, talking about gadgets, geekery sort of stuff, but the main topic of discussion at least within our group is how do you improve search quality? Are there signals that we can use? Are there ways that we can make things faster? How do you re-architect stuff such that you can crawl more of the web with using less resources or to do it faster? We think about a lot of this stuff and sometimes get a little bit obsessed about it. It is not always healthy, but we definitely think about what are we missing? How can we make the search experience better? It’s a little bit sad, but we tend to wake up thinking about search and go to sleep thinking about search.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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