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What Chrome extension would you like to see?

What Chrome extension would you like to see? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

Male: Oooh! Oooh! Matt Cutts from the Bay Area of California has asked, “What Chrome extension would you like to see?” [laughing] Male: Gggreat question, Matt Cutts. Let me try to answer that. So, Chrome has bookmarks and they do a really good thing where you open up a new tab page then you’ll see the bookmarks, but if you hit Control-B you can toggle that bookmark bar up and down. So, I like a lot of screen real estate state, space. So, I almost never use Control-B, I almost never show my bookmarks page, but there’s two or three bookmarks that I really use a lot. I want to share something on FriendFeed or I want to shorten a URL with bit.ly, something like that. So what I would love is a Chrome extension that basically lets you access your bookmarks from your bookmark bar without actually having your bookmark bar take up those 20 or 30 pixels every single time while you’re surfing around the web. ‘Cause then I could get access to be two or three bookmarks that I actually use without having to hit Control-B all the time. So, if anybody wants to write that up, I would really appreciate it and probably tweet about how cool it was, um, and it shouldn’t be that hard to write. Chrome extensions are actually mostly HTML or JavaScript. They’re not a ton of really technical detail sort of stuff. They shhhhhhh deliberately tried to make it easy to write Chrome extensions. That’s the one that I’d probably like to see. There’s a really smart guy at Google, who’s actually behind the camera, who wrote a fun one to sort of not show “refers,” for example. And I think that kind of thing can be a lot of fun as well. As a Web Spam person, you do a lot of really interesting, fun things when you’re looking at websites, but those are a little, sort of, technical. I think the bookmark one might be one that a lot of people would use.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: