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What are some running gags at Google?

What are some running gags at Google? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: Here’s a question from Alex in Germany. Alex asks, “What is the most common running gag over there at Google?” That’s a great one. One that’s really, really common is the Google 15. Just like in college, you know, whenever you join Google, you realize there’s fantastic, great food here and you start to eat it, and it’s free, so you don’t have to stop eating it. And so a lot of people gain 10 or 15 pounds, you know, the first few months that they’re at Google until they realize, “Okay, it’s free food. It will still be here tomorrow. You don’t have to eat it all right now.” The nice thing is Google has good, like, gyms and lots of activities to do, so you can lose that weight as well. But the Google 15 is a pretty common running gag. Especially in the early days, people would joke about running a space elevator, and you could never quite tell whether they were serious or not because if you were to get carbon nano micro-fiber elements, you know, it turns out a space elevator would be a really cool thing. And so, you never quite knew whether people were joking about building a space elevator or whether they were being serious. And there’s a lot of science geeks at Google, so it’s kind of understandable that that would be a running gag. Those are just a couple of them.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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