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What are some of your favorite websites?

What are some of your favorite websites? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

There’s a fun question today from London. The question is: Out of all the websites throughout the world, what are your favorites which you can recommend? Well I can give you a very quantitative answer to that which is to basically open up a new tab in Chrome because Chrome will tell you the eight sites that you go to the most often. So I can tell you that my favorite sites appear to be mail.google.com, google.com/calendar, Techmeme, Google News, TechCrunch, Google Reader, Twitter, and FriendFeed. So those are some the ones that I go to a lot. Of course news sites are fantastic, New York Times, Wall Street Journal. But really I enjoy sort of making that circuit where I’ll sort of hit a lot of these so called aggregators to find the good places that the sources have. And I’ll often end up– whether it’s somewhere like Wired or Stephen Shankland talking about Chrome. There’s a lot of good stuff there. Sometimes I’ll end up over on Reddit or Hacker News, Y Combinator kind of stuff. So I do flit around quite a bit. But I tend to hit sites like Techmeme, Google News, TechCrunch, Google Reader, Twitter, FriendFeed. Those are sort of the top ones that I tend to bounce around at. And then sometimes I’ll be hitting the Digg, I’ll be hitting the Slashdot, that sort of stuff. Sometimes the Google.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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