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Should I use pushState to update my URLs instead of HashBang to manage Ajax navigation?

Should I use pushState to update my URLs instead of HashBang to manage Ajax navigation? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

Today’s question comes from Paul Irish. Paul asks, “Should I use pushState to update my URLs instead of using the hashbang style to manage Ajax navigation?” Well, Google is able to handle both, so both can be OK. But one thing that hasn’t come out as much is that pushState is pretty good as far as– I think one crawl person put it– that if a correctly implemented site that uses pushState typically doesn’t need any extra support enabled for us to be able to crawl it. So we do support both, and we do handle both standards. But if you are thinking about using pushState, it’s something that I would encourage you to look into. And it can be quite helpful in terms of making sure that things are crawlable and can be used.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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