Top factors for positioning videos in search results
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Video ranking factors in Universal Search

Video ranking factors in Universal Search - answered by Matt Cutts


The factors that influence results in a video search are similar to factors for search results. So it’s important relevance of the video with search query and also it’s very important page rank of that page. That means if some very reputable site links to a video it will automatically rise in ranking.


Matt's answer:

Well, my first guess, without knowing any specifics, is that maybe this one got links from a very reputable site, so it has more page rank.


We still do look at links and we still do look at page rank

If this is the one that happened to get written off in a very reputable sort of location, then it could be that this one has more page rank and that’s why it outranks it. It’s strange because if this one has high views and comments and ratings, then it’s getting word of mouth from somewhere, but maybe there was a really good link that came to this site and this one doesn’t have as many links or something like that.


You know, the sort of factors that influence a video universal result are, and often the case is very similar to the sort of factors that influence Web search. So, we look at, you know, how well we think a particular result will match in terms of topicality or the textual sort of matches. And then, we also have to have some idea about the reputation of the page. And things like links can play into that for example.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: