How to make cheap SEO of your own site in the best way?
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How to optimize a website by yourself?

How to optimize a website by yourself? - answered by Matt Cutts


You can use some basic advices for starting promote a site and to optimize it with small resources. First thing to bear in mind is that you shouldn’t try to be the number one in all kind of possible phrases and fields. It’s better to concentrate to a specific region or specific costumers. And the second important thing is creativity. Your site should be special not like all others from your field, try to make something special. Try to make your site easier to remember and then you’ll gain more users and a higher reputation.


Matt's answer:

I’ll give you the same answer, regardless of whether it is real estate or any other industry. I think, there’s a couple of things to bear in mind.


Start with a small niche

Don’t just say, ok, I’m going to rank nr. 1 for blank real estate or whatever your trophy phrase is. It’s probably better to concentrate on individual neighborhoods or individual markets, maybe going for the consumer market is a little bit of a big thing to grasp at once. So maybe you want to go for a small sliver of the market, you know, a niche that you can be well known for and then build your way outward. So, build your reputation up and build your rankings up as you get to be more well-known.


Be creative

If you have the same brochure on your site as everyone else in the industry, there’s no reason for someone to link to you or even remember you. But if you have some sort of compelling thing about your website, that can be a blog with a distinct voice, it can be that you make really amusing videos, it can be that you come up with fantastic advices, look for some unique angle. So, start with a unique niche and try to be creative in how you tackle it, and that can probably help you out quite a bit compared to a bunch of different competitors in your industry.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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