Are links from Google flowing PageRank as usual ones?
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How Does Google treat its own links?

How Does Google treat its own links? - answered by Matt Cutts


There are some links from Google but they are always trying to be careful with that because they could be abused. In cases where there is a potential risk Google use nofollow attribute for its links. Most Google proprieties don’t flow page rank but certainly there are some links that flow page rank but they are used with precaution.


Matt's answer:

I don’t know about whether Google links never appear in Google Webmaster Tools. I think I have had, like I think the Google blog has me on the blog roll or something, so I’ve seen some links from Google.


People hold Google to a very high standard

You know, if we have search results that are not blocked by robots.txt, people find out, notice, and let us know, and, you know, blog about it, and it drives a lot of attention. So, we try to be relatively careful. You know, things like search result don’t flow page rank within Google, most Google properties, we try to make sure that they’re not too spamable, and if we’re worried that something might be potentially abused, then often will use a nofollow attribute.


We try to have a pretty new strategies

For example, I think Google Knol, most of the external links started out as nofollow, but then over time as we learn which Knol authors were more trustworthy, we lifted the nofollow on those Knol authors. So, certainly, we do sometimes flow page rank, but we try to be relatively careful because we’re mindful of the people that do try to abuse it.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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