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Matt loses a bet

Matt loses a bet - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: Hi.  My name is Matt Cutts.  I work at Google.  And I bet my team that they couldn’t reach a certain milestone, and they did reach that milestone. > Unfortunately, the bet was that they could do anything they wanted to my hair. > So, I lost the bet, they get to do what ever they want.  Let’s see what they’d do. > I hope I don’t have a really ugly head. Ow! Just kidding. > I hope he isn’t doing something obscene on the back of my head. > Oops, sorry.  You promise I’m not going to get fired tomorrow? > CUTTS: I promise.  Take a chunk out of it. > ANDY: I did. > Oh, my God, totally shaved the whole thing.  > BRANDON: I’ve never done this before Matt, so don’t– > ANDY: You guys want to join? > RYAN: It looks like this way, yeah.   > Oh, wow.  It’s really coming off.  Oh wow, that is really something.   > CUTTS: Goodbye, hair. > I mean, I’d rather not keep a reverse Mohawk.  I mean, if it’s okay with you.  That would be a pretty ugly haircut. > RYAN: We’re getting to the point where you could sort of be like Pointy-Haired Boss.   > CUTTS: Hello, Webmaster Central viewers.  Subscribe to the YouTube webmaster video channel or this might happen to you. > What’s the business in front, party in the back? > Mullet? > CUTTS: Mullet, yes.  I could have had a mullet.   > JOHANNES: That’s a classic, right? > CUTTS: It’s an attractive haircut, right?  Right?  Andy’s like “Uh, sure.” > Ryan’s got the touch, man.  If software engineering doesn’t work out…  You have a backup profession.   > RYAN: When the apocalypse comes and we no longer have computers.   > CUTTS: It’s kind of fun to do this.  I think I’m going to be doing this a lot.  That’s cool, isn’t it, huh?  Yeah, feel it, it’s weird. > Yeah, yeah, you give it a shot. Isn’t that weird? It’s like a lizard… No, it doesn’t feel gross at all. > Okay, now you’re [INDISTINCT]   > CUTTS: Okay, I feel good.  I feel good about what we’ve accomplished here today.  Thank you very much and thanks for reaching that milestone on webspam.  Alright, cool.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: