Doing Keyword Research and Competition Analysis Before Launching a Business
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Keyword Research and Competition Analysis before Launching a Website

Did you know, in 2019, an estimated 1.92 billion people purchased goods or services online? But before that convinces you to embark on the journey to design a suitable website for your business, it is essential to strategize how you will make your website well-designed, informative, and updated for your customers.

While the design, appeal, and website navigation are essentials as well, there are more important aspects that can make or break your website traffic and SEO returns post-launch.

Prioritizing keyword research and competition analysis before launch will give your website an upper hand with organic search traffic and even help you map out the buyer’s journey strategically.
Home Blog Importance of Keyword Research and Competition Analysis before Launching a Website
In this article, we will focus on keyword research and competition analysis
What is a keyword search?
The definition of keyword research mentions that it is a practice that enables digital marketing professionals to search all the popular terms that users type onto search engines about a particular topic or business. When incorporated into your website content, those keywords help your webpages to rank higher on the search engine results page when a customer searches about your products or services.
Why is keyword research essential before launching a website?
The primary goal behind keyword research is to find words and phrases that will help your website rank higher on the search engines as well as determine the relevancy of your website for the users. An appropriately conducted keyword search will get you an insight into what the users are looking for, which you can use to improve the customer journey through your website. It also assists search engines in indexing the content of your website with the correct search queries to enable better search traffic.

Hence, it is crucial to do this before launching a website to guide your content towards a better conversion rate after launch. In addition to that, keyword research also offers aid in understanding your brand according to the needs of your customer which eventually proportionally increases website visits. There are two components of proper keyword research:
  • Keyword-Targeting Pages – As the name suggests, here you choose a particular target keyword for the content of each page like a primary keyword.
  • Keyword Competitiveness – As a general rule, remember that the higher the search volume of a keyword, the steeper its competition. So make sure to include moderate search volume keywords in your content along with long-tail keywords for specific queries by taking the help of an advanced content writing tool for SEO to find the best keywords.
How often should I do keyword research?
A regular re-evaluation and maintenance of your keywords will ensure a decent ranking and relevancy of your page. So the best way to do that is to perform keyword research every time you plan to add new content to your website and then write it using a content optimization tool.
Next up is competitor analysis
What is competitor analysis?
It is the process that helps you study what your competitors are up to so that you can plan your marketing efforts accordingly. From learning where their strong suit lies to their weaknesses and mistakes to avoid a thorough competitive analysis is the perfect one-up you can have on your competitors.
How to complete a website competitor analysis?
You can begin by researching who all your likely competitors are. Post that, you can find out their strengths and weaknesses, which will guide you in implementing the studied data from the websites, keyword research, backlinks, etc., into your website. Some of the ways you can undertake a successful competitive analysis are:
  • Observe their backlinks
  • Learn which highest-ranking keywords they are using
  • Examine the content of their website
  • Study their social media strategies
What is the importance of competitor analysis?
The competitive analysis comes with a load of advantages. Some of the reasons why you should conduct a thorough examination are:
  • It helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • It gets you a list of websites that your competitors are linking to for better reach.
  • It improves your digital marketing strategy by letting you know about brand mentions and SEO experts.

Both these tasks can seem daunting at first, but if you follow the correct procedures and use the appropriate optimization tools, you will surely reap the benefits.
SEOlium is a tool that can help with both keyword research & competitor analysis
While you won’t get everything a manual analysis gives you, SEOlium can help you save hundreds of hours of manual labor. If you’re serious about launching a new website or business and doing well in search engine results – monitoring your historic search rankings (as well as your competitors’) is the very first step you need to take.
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