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Is SearchWiki or Analytics data used for ranking?

Is SearchWiki or Analytics data used for ranking? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: We got a question from Boston. Michan asks, “Is Google aggregating SearchWiki data with Analytics for ranking?” No. I’ve said before that my team, Webspam Team, will not go over and ask the Analytics Team for data, so we don’t get any feed from the Analytics Team. And we’ve said that we’re not currently using SearchWiki data. Is it possible then in the future? We might, maybe, but at least right now if you’re spending all day, everyday voting up or submitting your own URLs in SearchWiki, you’re basically wasting your time. We’re not using that data right now. And if we ever did use that data, we’d be very cautious about how we use it, such that we try to prevent any sort of abuse. So, instead, better to make great sites, you know, get lots of visitors, build lots of buzz, and that’s a great way forward and you don’t have to worry about, you know, SearchWiki data or anything like that.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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