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Is posting blog updates to Twitter considered a doorway?

Is posting blog updates to Twitter considered a doorway? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

Today’s question comes from Dublin, Ireland, where Adel asks, “Some websites use their Twitter account as an RSS like service for every article they post. Is that OK or would it be considered a doorway?” Well, I wouldn’t consider it a doorway because a doorway is typically when you make a whole bunch of different pages, each page is targeting one specific phrase. And then when you land there, usually it’s like, click here to enter. And then it takes you somewhere, and monetizes you, or something along those lines. So I wouldn’t consider it a doorway. Could it be annoying? Yes, it could be annoying, especially if you’re writing articles like every three minutes or if those articles are auto-generated somehow. But for example, in FeedBurner, I use a particular service where, when I do a post on my blog, it will automatically tweet to my a Twitter stream, and it will say New Blog Post, colon, and whatever the title of the blog post is. And that’s perfectly fine. That’s a good way to alert your users that something’s going on. So there’s nothing wrong with saying, when you do a blog post, automatically do a tweet. It might be really annoying if you have so many blog posts, that you get so many tweets, that people start to ignore you or unfollow you. But it wouldn’t be considered a doorway. Hope that helps.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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