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How will Google search work with pages built with GWT?

How will Google search work with pages built with GWT? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: Rokesh in the Netherlands says, “How will Google search work with dynamic HTML pages?” And he doesn’t mean–or Rokesh doesn’t mean JSP or Web 1.0 technologies–how about stuff like the Google Web Toolkit or GWT? Is it possible to index parts of these pages? So, it’s kind of nice because the Google Web Toolkit team has been working on some proposals to crawl AJAX. So, I think at SES New York, just a couple months ago, the team in question Katherine and, I think, Bruce also put forward a proposal where instead of just having a hash mark and then having state after that. If you have hash and then an exclamation point, then that marks it to the search engines that that can be indexed. So, the GWT folks are looking for ways that they can index AJAX and all search engines would be able to–hopefully, agree on a standard where if you see these sort of indicators in the URL, then, you know, that that’s okay. And you can use that in some really clever ways to sort of try to index that content. So the hope is over time, Google will get better at not only executing JavaScript but taking care of AJAX, these sort of things, and being able to represent those appropriately within our search results.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: