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How can I target parts my site to different locations?

How can I target parts my site to different locations? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

MATT: Today’s question comes from the UK. Serious asks, Hi Matt, Webmaster tools allow site owners to specify a geo location for targeting. How can this be done for multiple locations? Great question. It turns out there’s a very easy way to do it. If you have a domain, you can add, for example, sub domains or sub directories as separate sites in Webmaster tools. And then once you have those added as separate sites, you can geo locate or geo target those individually. So it’s really not that hard to do. You don’t have to have a ton of different domains. If you can get a .fr, and a .de, and a .uk, that’s fantastic. But if you only have the one domain and you want to geo target it, you can have, for example, sub domains or sub directories. Make sure that they are added as separate sites, and then you can geo locate each of those individual parts of your site to specific countries. Thanks for asking the question.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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