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How can I get my business to become known online?

How can I get my business to become known online? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

SPEAKER: Ramesh from Delhi asks, what would you suggest for new website owners who are starting their business online? Why other webmasters link to that new website? Why someone link to new business who has no brand at all? And also links are important for him to improve his online presence. So if you take a step back this question is about how do I get to be known online? Someone was joking, well you could steal Paris Hilton’s phone that’s one way to get to be known online, but that’s a little toward the notorious end not the positive way that you want to be known. My short answer is if you make something excellent and then tell people about it whether it’s on Twitter, or Facebook or Friendfeed or Google Buzz or whatever that’s a really nice way to sort of let people know that there’s good stuff out there. So I’ll give you a couple quick examples. There’s a pedometer called the Fitbit. It’s an expensive pedometer. It costs about 100 bucks so, you know, you can get a really good run for $30. But it has a wireless connection where when you get within about 15 feet of the wireless base station it will automatically send the stuff that you’ve been doing, your activities online and you can do Fitbit competitions against your friends. So this is a totally new device. A wireless pedometer didn’t really exist before, let alone sharing and comparing with your friends. Another example gadget is Withings which is this scale that’s got a Wi-Fi component to it so you just step onto it and it will upload your weight and your fat percentage and your body weight percentage all this sort of stuff to withings.com and then you can just look online. So this is taking Wi-Fi and a bathroom scale and putting them together and they’re just swimming in links because people are really interested in that. People are interested in something that’s a cool gadget like that. So both of those just happen to be gadgets but if you can come up with something new or viral or it could be a resource, it could be research, it could be something funny. You could be a cartoonist. There’s a lot of ways to get to be known online and build up your reputation. So whenever you get to be known for something whatever it be if it’s excellent then that will attract links naturally on its own. The challenge is stepping ahead of the crowd and sort of getting to be known and so think a little bit about the branding. What can I do that’s different than anybody else? Can I start a blog that has a different take than anybody else? If you do these sorts of things that’s the sort of thing that not only attracts links, not only attracts attention but also builds your reputation so that you can sort of bolster that and do more and more things online. Good luck!

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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