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Does Webmaster Tools have an API?

Does Webmaster Tools have an API? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

MATT: Today’s question comes from Joydeep in Bangalore. Joydeep wants to know, Hi Matt, are there any APIs available from Google to pull out reports from Google Webmaster Tools? I know there are many APIs available for Google AdWords, Google Maps, et cetera. Good news. So we’ve always had the ability to, for example with back links, to download things in a CSB form. In fact, many different features within Google Webmaster Tools provide the ability to download things and you know, comma separate a value, or CSP files, or various text files. Things like that. However, we also have an API. If you search for Google Webmaster Tools and then G Data, as in Google Data, except just G Data. G Data is the way that we typically refer to a lot of our APIs because that’s the protocol that we use. So in fact, the page that you end up on, the number one search result– at least on Google –says that your client application can use the Google Webmaster Tools data API to view a list of sites in your account, add and remove sites, verify site ownership, modify site listings, retrieve a list of the key words Google has found on your site– yay! –submit and delete site maps, manage messages sent to your account via the message center, and retrieve a list of issues Google discovered while crawling your site. So that may not be 100% coverage, but that’s a pretty large amount of stuff. Again, just do the search, Google Webmaster Tools, G Data– and that’s what I did. I’m sure you could also search for Google Webmaster Tools, API or something like that –and there’s actually quite a bit of very useful stuff that you can do via the API. So have some fun tinkering. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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