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Does the webspam team fight spam in non-US markets such as India?

Does the webspam team fight spam in non-US markets such as India? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

Today we have a question from Mountain View, California. Anonymous, or Anon, asks– “Is the webspam team taking the same measures to counter spam in international markets like India like they do in the US market? It just seems like there are a lot of junk sites that come up in the first page of results when searching on google.co.in.” OK, so great question. Remember, the webspam team has both the engineers who work on algorithmic spam. We also have the manual webspam team. And both of those work on spam around the world. So google.co.in– India– we want the algorithms, whether they be link spam, or keyword stuffing or whatever, to work in every language as much as we can. And so we do try to make sure that, to the degree it’s possible for us to do it, we internationalize those algorithms. At the same time, we also have people– including people in Hyderabad– who are fighting spam not only in English and on the ,com domains, but also in India, .in as well. So we have people who are able to fight spam in 40 different languages based around the world. At the same time, I would agree that probably English spam in the United States on a .com definitely gets a lot of attention. Because not every single engineer can speak French or German or a particular language. But it is the case that we put a lot of work into trying to make sure that we do internationalize those. Definitely if you see any results that are suboptimal, or that are generally bad, either do a spam report or show up in the webmaster forum and drop a notice there. Feel free to send a tweet. That’s the sort of thing that we’re interested in and we’d like to make sure that we do better on. And we also take that feedback and we try to use it to improve future iterations of our ranking algorithms as well.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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