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Does Google treat “brandname” and “brandname®” differently?

Does Google treat “brandname” and “brandname®” differently? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: We’ve been getting a lot of good questions from Ryan in Dearborn, Michigan. Ryan asks, “Many corporate legal departments insist on using registered and trademark symbols on brand keywords and titles and on page. Does Google treat brand name and brand name with a little R, registered trademark sort of thing or a little R, differently?” Usually, we segment. We break on this sort of unusual characters. Things like dashes and pipes and stuff like that. So, if you have brand name and then a little trademark after it or something like that, normally, we would segment that and we’d be able to see, yes, that is a brand name. We wouldn’t treat that as all in one word so that people search for just brand name without typing in the little trademark or the little registered star, that shouldn’t be a problem in most cases.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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