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Does anchor text carry through 301 redirects?

Does anchor text carry through 301 redirects? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

Mharris from NY asks: Does anchor text carry  through all 301 redirects? Will there be a penalty for sites that do this as their  sole way of link building? Typically anchor text does flow through a 301 redirect, but  we don’t promise that that will always happen. So the question is, does it carry through  all? Not necessarily. We reserve the right to score not only in links and how we determine  the weights and the trusts for links and also the trust that we have for redirects.  I can tell you that if your sole method of link building is trying to get 301 redirects,  that’s gonna be pretty conspicuous, because we have the, we log all the redirects that  we see, just like we log all the links that we see, and so if all of your incoming anchor  texts is through 301 redirects that’s gonna appear pretty strange, especially because  whenever we go looking through our tools that would be a pretty abnormal thing to do.  So my advice is make a great site that attracts links naturally because it’s a fantastic resource  and don’t worry about “Oh, can i try to get some PR or anchor text in some way that search  engines may not be able to catch or, you know, that other people may not be able to  follow”, because if you get that organic,long term sort of links, the links that are given  freely because you have a great resource,those are the links that typically last the best  and have the most impact.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: