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Can you show us something that you have programmed yourself?

Can you show us something that you have programmed yourself? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: Okay. Alex from Germany asks, “It’s time to get serious. Can you show us something you’ve programmed yourself?” Well, the first version of SafeSearch would be the best example of that, and I’m pretty proud that it worked very well, in my opinion. The nice thing is there’s various smart people at Google and they took SafeSearch and made it even better. So I can’t take any credit for SafeSearch these days, but the very first version of SafeSearch, I thought, worked quite well. People didn’t complain about getting a lot of porn or anything like that. Most of the other stuff that I worked on has been more long lines of internal stuff that I couldn’t show you or else I’d have to try to kill you and that wouldn’t be fun. So that’s probably the easiest example, the SafeSearch.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: