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Can I mark an email as “important” in Gmail?

Can I mark an email as “important” in Gmail? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

MALE SPEAKER: Today’s question comes from Cape Town, South Africa. The question is, it would be a really great feature to mark an email as important in Gmail. Will this ability ever be added? Well, guess what? We went back in time to add that feature so it already exists. Let’s use the time machine. OK, you might have to turn on Priority Inbox, which is a way that sorts things into important stuff and not so important in your Gmail inbox. And me, I like to turn on keyboard shortcuts. Because then you can really move quickly around your Gmail inbox. If you’ve done that, you can just use the plus key to mark something as important. I think that the equal sign, which is like plus without hitting shift, will also mark something as important. It’s very, very handy. Investigate all of the keyboard shortcuts for Gmail. Because they’re all pretty useful. There’s also menus to do it. But I like to use the keyboard shortcuts.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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