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Are different types of sites treated differently in Google?

Are different types of sites treated differently in Google? - answered by Matt Cutts

Matt's answer:

CUTTS: We have a fun question from Paul Anthony in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Paul asks, “Are different sites treated differently?” And I think he means different types of sites. “For example, are blogs treated differently than e-commerce sites? Does Google attempt to figure out the context of a site or are all websites equal?” Well, if you go back to the original sort of formulation of page rank, we would tend to treat websites all completely equally. But Google has gotten more sophisticated over time, and, so, we do reserve the right to sort of treat different types to sites differently. So, you can even see that we are able to tell the context of some sites by doing a search and then click on Google and you’ll–where you’ll see a show options link just above the search results, and if you do that you can see that we have, for example, forums and reviews. So, we do attempt to decide what type of a site our particular page is on and, you know, what sort of value that represents for users. My best advice is usually just to make a fantastic site and not worry about that very much at all. You know, you can have a site that has a forum on it and has a blog and has reviews, and we’ll try to find the pages that best match users’ queries and return those pages.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: